The first thing to note though, are two things that Ipswich Borough Council (IBC) can’t do, but is frequently asked to do.
The first request is for IBC to reduce the rents of commercial properties. This is something that IBC has little or no control over.
IBC can only set rents for the properties we own and most properties in the town centre are owned by private landlords. They are free to charge rent at whatever level they want, and the council cannot tell them what to charge.
The second request is to lower business rates. The level of business rates is not something the council has any control over.
They are set nationally by the government. However, because the council is responsible for collecting the money and businesses receive bills from IBC, many people think we set the rates too.
Last Autumn, the Labour government set out a pathway to permanently lower tax rates on the high street.
This is based on an intention to introduce lower rates for retail, hospitality and leisure (RHL) properties with a rateable value (RV) under £500,000 from April 2026.
This would be financially sustainably by charging a higher rate on all properties with RV of £500,000 and above, which includes the majority of large distribution warehouses such as those used by the online giants.
Until 2026, 250,000 RHL premises will see 40% relief off their bills next year.
The new RHL tax rates will provide meaningful support to RHL businesses of all sizes in recognition of the role they play in attracting footfall to the high-street.
A government discussion paper has also been published to engage with businesses months on how to further reform the system outside of RHL.
Another common question asked is: who allows businesses that are clearly money laundering enterprises to operate in the town centre? This is not an IBC responsibility. Suspicions of Money Laundering should be reported to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.
Any suspected money laundering activity linked to council-owned premises or businesses in the town centre can be referred to the council’s Corporate Fraud Service for investigation.
The Corporate Fraud Service is contactable at Such investigations are supported by the National Crime Agency and other relevant law enforcement agencies.
Another common question is: why don’t you stop more vape shops or American Candy Stores opening?
The answer? Once planning permission has been granted for a shop, other shops can come along and claim the same rights at the same shop.
Everyone hates to see litter. IBC puts a lot of effort into picking up litter in the town centre. I think the town centre is looking better for that effort.
The town centre team which operates seven days a week, 365 days a year, plus 24 hr call out. Six team members start at 5.30am and put in a shift to clean the town for the day ahead. A smaller shift replaces them in the early afternoon and keeps on top of litter during the day.Ipswich Town-themed bins are placed across the town (Image: Neil MacDonald)
Certain areas of the town centre are pressure washed monthly. A scrub deck on one of the small sweepers completes more regular pavement cleaning. Disinfectant is liberally applied in places where people urinate, such as the alleyway next to the Conservative Club.
ITFC-themed bins put in after the Premier League return look great. The aim is to boost recycling and keeping the town clean.
There’s no magic bullet for Britain’s high streets. Little by little, we can bring life back into Ipswich town centre.