Author: ayuba

  • Verstappen, Hamilton en Alonso in lijst van meeste punten ooit, ondanks huidige systeem

    Het huidige puntensysteem in de Formule 1 heeft een grote impact op de all-time rankings van coureurs. Sinds 2010 worden er aanzienlijk meer punten uitgedeeld per race dan voorheen.

    Een overwinning levert nu 25 punten op, terwijl dat voor 2010 slechts 10 punten was. Daarnaast worden er nu punten toegekend aan de top 10, terwijl eerder alleen de top 6 in aanmerking kwam.

    Ook extra punten voor de snelste raceronde en sprintwedstrijden zorgen ervoor dat moderne coureurs sneller hoge totaalscores behalen.

    Daarom domineren huidige en recent actieve coureurs de top van de all-time puntenlijst. Coureurs die in de jaren ’90 en vroege jaren 2000 actief waren, hebben daardoor een vertekend lagere score.

    Als alle coureurs onder hetzelfde puntensysteem hadden gereden, zou de ranglijst er heel anders uitzien. Michael Schumacher zou bijvoorbeeld met een aangepast puntensysteem een totaal van 4.660,2 punten hebben behaald, wat hem op de tweede plaats zou zetten achter Lewis Hamilton.

    De hoogste punten-scoorders aller tijden

    De huidige top 10 van de all-time ranglijst laat zien dat recente coureurs de hoogste posities innemen. Dit komt door het moderne puntensysteem en het grotere aantal races per seizoen. Hieronder de coureurs met de meeste punten:

    Positie Coureur Punten
    1 Lewis Hamilton 4862.5
    2 Sebastian Vettel 3098
    3 Max Verstappen 3023.5
    4 Fernando Alonso 2337
    5 Kimi Räikkönen 1873
    6 Valtteri Bottas 1797
    7 Sergio Pérez 1638
    8 Nico Rosberg 1594.5
    9 Michael Schumacher 1566
    10 Charles Leclerc 1430

    Lewis Hamilton staat met 4862,5 punten ruimschoots bovenaan de lijst. Sinds zijn debuut in 2007 heeft hij vrijwel onafgebroken in een competitieve auto gereden.

    Zijn lange samenwerking met Mercedes, gecombineerd met het moderne puntensysteem, heeft ervoor gezorgd dat hij op bijna 5.000 punten staat.

    Hamilton’s vermogen om constant punten te scoren is uitzonderlijk. Hij heeft zelden races waarin hij buiten de punten eindigt. Zelfs in mindere seizoenen weet hij nog veel punten te verzamelen.

    De stabiliteit van zijn carrière en het feit dat hij weinig fouten maakt, hebben bijgedragen aan zijn ongeëvenaarde totaal.

    “Hamilton haalt altijd het maximale uit zijn auto en laat zelden punten liggen.”

    Zelfs als hij zou stoppen met racen, zou het jaren duren voordat iemand zijn totaal inhaalt.

    Max Verstappen staat met 3023,5 punten op de derde plaats. Hij passeerde Fernando Alonso in 2023 en heeft sindsdien zijn puntentotaal verder uitgebreid.

    Zijn opmars in de ranglijst komt door zijn dominantie in recente seizoenen. Met het huidige aantal races per jaar en de extra punten voor snelste ronden en sprints, kan Verstappen Sebastian Vettel’s 3098 punten snel inhalen.

    Verstappen’s carrière begon vroeg en hij heeft zijn hele loopbaan onder het huidige puntensysteem gereden. In tegenstelling tot Schumacher of Alonso hoefde hij geen punten te verdienen in een tijd waarin een overwinning minder waard was.

    Als Verstappen in de komende jaren op het niveau blijft presteren dat hij nu laat zien, is de kans groot dat hij uiteindelijk Hamilton’s record zal naderen.

    “Verstappen is nog lang niet klaar en kan in de toekomst de lijst aanvoeren.”

    Alonso blijft punten verzamelen

    Fernando Alonso heeft 2337 punten en blijft nog altijd actief in de Formule 1. Hij heeft een lange carrière achter de rug met twee wereldtitels en veel podiumplaatsen.

    In tegenstelling tot Verstappen en Hamilton heeft Alonso een deel van zijn carrière gereden onder het oude puntensysteem, waardoor zijn totaal lager ligt dan het had kunnen zijn.

    Zijn comeback bij Aston Martin in 2023 zorgde ervoor dat hij opnieuw veel punten kon toevoegen.

    Het is onwaarschijnlijk dat Alonso Verstappen of Vettel nog zal inhalen, maar zolang hij in de sport blijft, zal hij zijn puntenaantal blijven verhogen.

    De verschuiving in het puntensysteem heeft een grote impact gehad op de all-time rankings. Coureurs als Schumacher en Räikkönen zouden veel hoger hebben gestaan als ze hun hele carrière onder het huidige systeem hadden gereden.

    Coureurs uit het moderne tijdperk hebben meer races, stabielere auto’s en een betrouwbaarder technisch pakket. Dit heeft het makkelijker gemaakt om regelmatig punten te scoren. Hierdoor zien we dat actieve coureurs de all-time rankings domineren.

    De komende jaren zullen uitwijzen of Verstappen, Leclerc of toekomstige talenten de records van Hamilton kunnen benaderen. Maar voorlopig blijft Hamilton met bijna 5000 punten de onbetwiste leider van deze lijst.

  • ‘We need a better way to communicate’ – how Hamilton radio issues added to Ferrari struggle

    ‘We need a better way to communicate’ – how Hamilton radio issues added to Ferrari struggle

    Hamilton and race engineer Riccardo Adami (left) sounded like they were on different wavelengths over the radio Getty Images

    Lewis Hamilton has always made it clear that after 12 years at Mercedes his assimilation at Scuderia Ferrari was going to take some time.

    His race debut in red proved just how difficult it is for a driver used to operating at his level to parachute into a completely new environment and work with different technology and different people.

    The most public evidence was the radio traffic with his engineer Riccardo Adami that we heard during the race. More than once we heard Hamilton say “leave me to it” after he was given some information that he felt he didn’t need.

    Alien – ET Truck

    After he tumbled down the order when staying out on slicks didn’t pay off Hamilton told Adami that they had “missed a big opportunity.”

    Lap 14
    Adami: “You can use K1 when you’re close”
    Hamilton: Leave it to me please
    Adami: K1 available
    Hamilton: Yes I know, leave it to me please

    Lap 29
    Adami offers DRS advice
    Hamilton: Yes I know. Leave me to it. I’m learning the car as I go mate, just leave me to it with the DRS. It’s not an issue

    Lap 31
    Adami: Try to hold the K1
    Hamilton: I’m not close enough. I’m not close enough. When I’m close, I’ll do it

    Lap 49
    Hamilton: Thought you said it wasn’t going to rain? Think we missed a big opportunity there. What position am I in, P9 again?
    Adami: P9
    Hamilton: ****

    Following the race he made it clear to the media that he while he was happy to take a punt on staying out, he hadn’t been told that more rain was coming.

    “I think Riccardo did a really good job,” he said when asked about the communication issues. “I think we’re learning about each other, bit by bit, after this, we’ll download, we’ll go through all the comments, things I said, and vice versa.

    “And generally, I’m not one that likes a lot of information in the race, unless I need it, or I’ve asked for it. But he did his best today, and we’ll move forwards.”

    Riccardo Adami talks to Lewis Hamilton in Ferrari garage at 2025 F1 preseason testing
    Hamilton’s exchanges with Adami were markedly different to the familiar tone he used with Pete Bonnington Getty Images

    Team boss Fred Vasseur acknowledged that things could be improved.

    “We need to find a better way to communicate between the car and the pitwall,” said the Frenchman. “But we will learn from this one, and it’s not an issue.”

    “The team works completely differently. The data is upside down compared to what I’m used to. I don’t understand it all”

    The relationship between Hamilton and his Mercedes engineer Peter Bonnington was so close after working together for a dozen years that they could pretty much finish each other’s sentences.

    It’s hardly surprising that it will take time for him to get anywhere close to having that sort of telepathic rapport with Adami.

    However, the learning curve is not just about Adami understanding what Hamilton wants from the car and what kind of information he needs in the cockpit, it’s also the fact that the way the car works is so alien compared with what Hamilton is used to.

    Hamilton’s steep learning curve

    On Thursday in Australia he made an interesting observation about the difference between his previous and current power units.

    Who is Bono in F1? Peter Bonnington, race engineer to two world champions

    “I’m still learning this new car that’s quite a lot different from what I’ve driven my whole career,” he noted. “In the sense of the Mercedes power coming to the Ferrari power, it’s something quite new – different vibration, different feel, different way of working.

    “The whole team works completely differently. I was just sitting looking at last year’s race traces, and it’s upside down compared to the previous ones, what I’ve been used to. I don’t understand it all.”

    Carlos Sainz, who has made the opposite power unit swap, agreed that he faced a similar problem.

    After qualifying eighth on Saturday – right behind team-mate Charles Leclerc – Hamilton made it clear that he has much to learn about how to get the best out of the SF-25.

    Charles Leclerc just ahead of Lewis Hamilton in the 2025 F1 Australian Grand Prix
    Leclerc led Hamilton from the start of the Australian GP and re-passed him late on, after dropping back due to a spin Ferrari

    “We’ve been just improving every single lap, session-on-session,” he said. “Big learning curve this weekend, the car was so much different from the moment I left the pitlane, just feeling so much different than I’ve ever experienced here.

    “And it’s been a lot slower process for me to really build confidence in the car. And if you look at the high-speed everywhere, I’ve been down all weekend to Charles, who just had it from the get-go, from just the minute he went out, he knew what the car does.

    “And for me, I was just building up to that through the weekend, and I think I got a lot closer towards it in the end. And to be that close to Charles in my first qualifying session in the same car against a great qualifier, I’m pretty happy with that.”

    Stark differences to Mercedes

    Expanding on the areas where he was struggling he added: “From braking, just through corner balance is a lot different to what I had. Mechanical balance shift that you have is much, much different to what I had in the previous car.

    “And the high-speed balance, the low-speed balance, is quite a shift. So she behaves a little bit different.”

    Lewis Hamilton looks thoughtful ahead of the 2025 F1 Australian Grand Prix
    Hamilton says that adjusting to the Ferrari is a “big learning curve” Getty Images

    Hamilton can’t judge how long it might take him to feel comfortable in the car.

    “I really don’t know. Honestly, I thought I was further along than I was, and then I got here and [practice 1], I was like, ‘Jesus, I’ve still got a way to go!’ There’s still a ton of tools that keep popping out, like ‘hey, what about this? I’ve never tried that. What does it do?’

    “And it’s one thing saying it, but actually going out and feeling it… That’s what I’m just learning really, bit by bit. I think we did some good work when trying to move the car forward.

    “When you have a problem in the car and you come in normally, when you’ve got the experience, you can say, okay, that’s this is where I want to go with it.

    “But I don’t know which tool to use at the moment, so I’m heavily relying, for the first time, on my engineers, and they’ve done a great job. In the past, I would say, ‘Bono, this is what I want, that setting, this setting’, and I can’t do that at the moment.”

    Rain added to the pressure

    In that context the last thing Hamilton needed was a wet race adding to the challenge he faced on Sunday, despite his acknowledged mastery of such conditions.

    “I’ve never driven the car in the wet – I don’t even know where the wet switch is really,” he said after qualifying. “I don’t know which buttons I’ve got to switch for tomorrow. So that’s going to be new.

    “We’re using Brembos [brakes], for example. I don’t think I’ve used them for a long time. So how the Brembos behave in the wet, I don’t know if they’re glazed, what settings I’m going to have to use with this car? It’s all different.

    “I’ve got three laps [to the grid] to learn the car in wet and then get out into the race. I’m going actually, for the first time in the wet in an uncomfortable position, because I’ve never driven this car, so it’s going to be a shock to the system when I get out there. I’m going to be learning on the fly and just giving everything.”

    Lewis Hamilton spins in qualifying for 2025 F1 Australian Grand Prix
    Qualifying spin was more visual evidence of Hamilton’s struggles Mark Sutton/F1 via Getty Images

    Weekend verdict

    At the end of a frantic afternoon he reiterated how much he still has to learn.

    “It felt like I was in the deep, deep end today,” he said.“Everything is new. First time driving this car in the rain, the car was behaving a lot different to what I’ve experienced in the past, the power unit, all the steering functions, all the things that their throwing to you, you’re trying to juggle all these new things.

    “I didn’t have any confidence today unfortunately, so I’m going to make some changes next week to the car, the set-up. Today was just rear stability, particularly on the power, with lots of snaps. I was nearly in the wall most of the time.”

    Ferrari’s pitstop error

    The rain in the latter stages of the race presented an opportunity for those who got it right – and the biggest winner was Hamilton’s replacement Kimi Antonelli.

    Tenth and a couple of places behind Lewis before the rain triggered pitstop mayhem, the Italian came in at just the right time, and was propelled up the order to an eventual fourth.

    Lewis briefly led by staying out, but a stop for inters was inevitable, and he fell back down the order.

    “They said it’s just a short shower. So I was like, ‘I’m going to hold it out’. And the rest of the track was dry. So I was ‘I’m going to stick it out as long as I can, I can keep it on the track’. And then they didn’t say more was coming.

    “And all of a sudden more was coming. So I think I was just lacking that bit of information at the end.”

  • Toto Wolff reveals unusual Lewis Hamilton confusion at Mercedes

    Toto Wolff reveals unusual Lewis Hamilton confusion at Mercedes

    Toto Wolff has revealed he still looks for Lewis Hamilton on the F1 timing board, despite the British driver no longer racing for his squad.

    The Mercedes team principal is struggling to adjust to the seven-time F1 drivers’ champion’s departure to Ferrari during the winter, admitting it has been “a bit confusing” for him in Melbourne.

    George Russell, who is still with the Brackley-based team, has been joined at the eight-time constructors’ champions by highly-touted rookie Kimi Antonelli.

    But the Italian may not immediately get Wolff’s attention during sessions, with the Austrian’s eyes evidently tracking one half of the Ferrari line up instead.

    “It is still a bit confusing,” the 53-year-old told Sky Sports F1.

    “I still look at HAM on the timing board and I’m thinking he’s in a Mercedes. So I need to get used to it.”

    The 105-time grand prix winner joined his former team-mate in the final section of qualifying at Albert Park, setting the eighth-best lap time, with Russell going fourth fastest.

    Meanwhile, the driver now occupying Hamilton’s cockpit suffered damage in the first part of qualifying and will line up for the Australian Grand Prix in P16.

    Join RacingNews365’s Ian Parkes and Nick Golding, as they discuss the biggest talking points from qualifying after McLaren secured a front row lock-out.

  • Hamilton Accies Women boss pleased to return to winning ways with Rossvale rout

    Hamilton Accies Women boss pleased to return to winning ways with Rossvale rout

    Hamilton Accies Women in action(Image: Ian Steele Photography)Hamilton Accies Women coach Robert Watson was pleased to see his side return to winning way with a thumping 5-1 rout at Rossvale.The SWPL2 ledaers were on the end of a surprise 1-0 defeat to St Johnstone last time out to see nearest rivals Kilmarnock close the gap at the top of the table.

    Article continues below

    But Accies responded in style to go nine points clear at the top, having played a game more than Killie and third-place Boroughmuir.

    Goals from Abi Tobin, Chloe Muir, Sophie Townsley, Josi Giard and Charmaine McGuire did the damage on the day and Watson said: “Getting back to winning ways was the most important thing.

    “Not very much has gone wrong over the season and we’ve maybe just hit a little run where we’ve found things a little bit difficult, so it was important to go away from home and put the St Johnstone result to bed.

    The Daily Record

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    Accies boss Robert Watson(Image: Ian Steele Photography)“I still feel we had enough chances to win the game last week, so it was important we did let that get to us and we still got the three points. We were thoroughly deserving of the win.

    “All the other teams would love to be in our position and have that lead, but if we look after ourselves there isn’t really anything our rivals can do about it.”

    Accies now host rock-bottom Ayr this Sunday but Watson is taking nothing for granted.

    He said: “The last game we had with Ayr, they were very good against us so we have got to be aware of that.

    “But we have generally been very good at home this season and it will be down to us to take the game to Ayr.

    Article continues below

    “We are going to be looking to put the game to bed as soon as possible and stop Ayr’s main threats. The strongest part of our game is playing on the front foot and that’s what we’ll be looking to do.

    “It is the business end of the season and hopefully we keep looking after ourselves so we can get promoted.”

    Sunday’s clash is a 4pm kick-off.

  • Lewis Hamilton reveals ‘upside down’ Ferrari difference from Mercedes

    Lewis Hamilton reveals ‘upside down’ Ferrari difference from Mercedes

    Lewis Hamilton is gearing up for his Ferrari F1 debut, and has been left with an “upside down” feeling from his time at Mercedes.Ian Parkes

    © XPBimages

    Lewis Hamilton has described how Ferrari‘s data traces appear to be “upside down” compared to what he became accustomed to at Mercedes.

    Following 12 seasons at Brackley, Hamilton traded Mercedes for Ferrari this year and has been learning how to best utilise a Ferrari power unit for the first time after only previously using Mercedes power during his career, now in its 19th year.

    Pouring over the data during his acclimatisation, Hamilton revealed how it did not make sense to him initially.

    “I’m still learning the car and it is quite different to what I’ve driven in my previous career, in the sense of the Mercedes power into Ferrari power, it is something quite new, different vibrations, different feelings and a different way of working,” Hamilton told media including RacingNews365.

    “I was sitting looking at the race-trace from last year and it is upside down compared to the previous one. I am looking at it and don’t understand it at all.

    “So looking at things from a different perspective makes it exciting and challenging. This is definitely the most exciting period of my life and I’m really enjoying it.”

    During his two previous Australian GPs with new teams, Hamilton finished third for McLaren in 2007 and fifth for Mercedes in 2013.

    When asked what his expectations were for the weekend, the Briton did not initially give a firm prediction, detailing how he wanted to maximise his performance.

    “I definitely hope to be in the top 10,” he said.

    “What would I be happy with coming away from this weekend? I don’t know, but I don’t have expectations, I just want to ultimately come away knowing that I’ve given absolutely everything and I’ve excelled in the way that I know I can.

    “That I’ve felt comfortable in the car and just putting one foot in front of the other.

    “I don’t know what that means in results, and of course, we won’t know until tomorrow where we truly stand within the top teams, but I’m hoping that we’re able to compete for the top five, so somewhere in that space.”

    Also interesting:

    In a special episode of the RacingNews365 podcast, Ian Parkes and Nick Golding are joined by 13-time F1 race winner David Coulthard! Red Bull’s current problems, Lando Norris fighting Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton now racing for Ferrari are just a few of the big talking points!

    Rather watch the podcast? Then click here!

  • Vasseur has no doubt Hamilton will be able to “perform soon” at Ferrari

    Vasseur has no doubt Hamilton will be able to “perform soon” at Ferrari

    Hamilton had just one-and-a-half days of testing in the team’s new car before the first event of the season this weekend. He was unable to drive for them in the post-season test at Yas Marina last year, unlike several other drivers who changed teams.

    However Ferrari used the opportunity to run Hamilton in one of their older chassis, known as Testing of Previous Cars under F1’s regulations, at the beginning of the season. Vasseur said that gave him a useful chance to get used to the team’s internal processes.

    “It’s not [the goal] to be at the limit on one session, it’s not a matter of speed,” said Vasseur in the FIA press conference after the first practice session.

    “The target is for him to know everybody in the team, to discover the software, the process, the system. I’m convinced that we have something very similar to Mercedes, but at the end of the day, perhaps not with the same name, or the same way to use them.

    “It’s just a learning process. We did one or two test days with the TPC one or two months ago. It was a good way to approach it but nothing compares to the race weekend. We have to go through and we have to do it, but I’m not worried at all about this.”

    Hamilton placed 12th in the first practice session at Albert Park, six-tenths of a second slower than team mate Charles Leclerc, but Vasseur said this was no cause for concern.

    “He’s on this process, honestly, you can’t draw a conclusion after a first session,” he said. “I have absolutely no doubt that he will be able to perform and to perform soon. Last year I think that Carlos [Sainz Jnr] was P8 or P9 in free practice and he won the race.”

    Hamilton said yesterday he is still getting accustomed to the differences between Ferrari’s car and the Mercedes he drove last year.

    “Joining a new team, the sooner you can reach a high level and get results, the better. But inevitably, there’s a transition period, and there is a foundation that’s needed to be built, […] that’s what we have been doing over the past couple of months.

    “The first half of the season, it is about that foundation. Building those relationships, the trust, you’re building with absolutely every everyone in the team. Trust isn’t something you just walk in the door and have, it’s built over time.

    “For me, the goal is to win, of course, and to take the team forward. I’ve had some not-so-spectacular years and I’m trying to see if I can have a better year than I have the last three. There are a lot of factors that can add to that.”

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  • Gary Neville and Wayne Rooney set to raise eyebrows with their Ipswich Town vs Nottingham Forest prediction

    Gary Neville and Wayne Rooney set to raise eyebrows with their Ipswich Town vs Nottingham Forest prediction

    Nottingham Forest will return to the pitch this weekend when they travel to Ipswich Town for one final game before the international break.

    Many Forest players will head off on international duty after the Portman Road visit. Anthony Elanga has made up with Jon Dahl Tomasson and is back in the Sweden squad once again.

    The likes of Morgan Gibbs-WhiteCallum Hudson-Odoi and Elliot Anderson will hope to have received calls from Thomas Tuchel ahead of his first England squad too.

    It’s club football as normal for last weekend, however, and Forest will be aiming to avoid a severe case of After the Lord Mayor’s Show following a 1-0 win over Manchester City.

    Gary Neville and Wayne Rooney predict Nottingham Forest score vs Ipswich

    It won’t come as a surprise that Gary Neville has gone true to form and been negative on Forest – with former Derby boss Wayne Rooney following suit.

    Both are good mates with Ipswich boss Kieran McKenna and heaven forbid they think with their head rather than their heart.

    Although the Tractor Boys played well in the FA Cup at Forest, this weekend will be completely different, with the Reds likely to play a very different team altogether.

    When predicting Ipswich at home to Forest, they’ve gone with a home win.


    Rooney said in agreement with Neville on The Overlap: “1-0 Ipswich. They’ve got to win this game, it’s their last chance.”

    Forest won the reverse game 1-0 at the City Ground and going into the international break it’s vitally important that the Reds can leave with a positive result on Saturday.

    Forest will need to match Ipswich for work rate

    One thing that Forest have to do at the weekend is remain compact and match the Tractor Boys when it comes to work rate.

    Ultimately, Forest have lots of reasons to be cheerful right now and face an Ipswich team who realise they’re now running out of time to save themselves.

    Forest have largely done okay against newly promoted sides since returning to the Premier League and Espirito Santo will hope to keep that up this weekend.

    It’s not completely out of the ordinary for Neville to say something negative about Forest and hopefully this prediction that he’s made can be proved extremely wrong.

  • Nottingham Forest B-team gem spotted in first-team training ahead of Ipswich Town

    Nottingham Forest B-team gem spotted in first-team training ahead of Ipswich Town

    The Nottingham Forest academy is something to be proud of and Nuno Espirito Santo recognises that.

    Fans held reservations about Espirito Santo’s lack of academy selection at Wolves when he first replaced Steve Cooper but those queries have soon been dismissed.

    Forest are going really well at the moment and sit third in the Premier League table with just 10 matches of the 2024/25 campaign remaining.

    It would appear that despite a big period of games coming up, Espirito Santo is keen to ensure that the B-Team youngsters get their opportunities to train with his squad.

    Ahead of playing Ipswich on Saturday, it seems as though one future prospect has been put through his paces alongside the club’s star players.

    Photo by Crystal Pix/MB Media/Getty Images
    Photo by Crystal Pix/MB Media/Getty Images

    Archie Whitehall spotted training with Nottingham Forest first-team

    With Forest chasing a Champions League place, Forest have been getting some media coverage at the training ground from Sky Sports.

    The cameras oversaw a training session being put on by Espirito Santo and his coaches, with young B-Team captain Whitehall spotted among the pack.


    It’s been a fine season for the youngster. Whitehall shone for Forest in the EFL Trophy win over Carlisle and scored the winning goal for the Reds.

    Young midfielder Whitehall also showed flashes of Ryan Yates as the B-Team progressed in the Nottinghamshire County Cup back in November.

    Clearly, youngsters are getting their opportunities to learn from the current crop and Whitehall might be in the thoughts of Espirito Santo for the future.

    Forest B-Team progress to Premier League International Cup semi-final

    Last night, Whitehall was one of the players omitted from the team which beat Nordsjaelland at the Loughborough University Stadium – and now it’s clear why.

    The 18-year-old is clearly doing some work with the first-team and it will be giving him a taste of what is required to play among these players on a regular basis.

    As a central midfielder, Whitehall has plenty of players to learn from. Yates has Nicolas DominguezIbrahim SangareDanilo and Elliot Anderson for company in the middle of the park.

    It’s great that Espirito Santo is calling on young prospects to take part in his training sessions and it will be fascinating to see how Whitehall can kick on in the future.

  • Wisconsin Badgers: Greg Gard Provides Encouraging News On Nolan Winter Ahead Of 2025 Big Ten Tournament

    Wisconsin Badgers: Greg Gard Provides Encouraging News On Nolan Winter Ahead Of 2025 Big Ten Tournament

    Jan 23, 2024; Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; Wisconsin Badgers forward Tyler Wahl (5) celebrates the win against the Minnesota Golden Gophers with forward Nolan Winter (31) after the game at Williams Arena. Mandatory Credit: Matt Krohn-USA TODAY Sports

    Nolan Winter remains in good spirit despite the injury in Wisconsin Badgers’ game against the Penn State Nittany Lions which they also lost.

    Nolan Winter
    Michigan State’s Jaxon Kohler, right, and Frankie Fidler, left, celebrate a turnover as Wisconsin’s Nolan Winter, center, reacts during the second half on Sunday, March 2, 2025, at the Breslin Center in East Lansing.


    He played just 13 minutes in that game after incurring a shoulder injury from a put back dunk. This worried many fans as he has been an indispensable part of the team’s offense and defense. He carved his way into the starting five after his rookie season and is averaging 9.5 points per game, seven rebounds, and one assist.

    It’s been four days since the Penn State game and according to the latest from head coach Greg Gard, Winter recovered from the injury scare.

    “(Nolan Winter) was back (at practice) a little bit yesterday,” Gard told reporters on Tuesday.


    “Then we varied today, which was more opponent specific. So he’s in-and-out a little bit. But he’s back. Said he feels good. That’s the plan, is he will be back and ready to go.”

    Feb 13, 2024; Madison, Wisconsin, USA; Wisconsin Badgers forward Nolan Winter (31), forward Carter Gilmore (14) and head coach Greg Gard celebrate a three point basket during the second half against the Ohio State Buckeyes at the Kohl Center. Mandatory Credit: Kayla Wolf-USA TODAY Sports

    Winter’s absence in the game against the Lions was sorely missed. His tenacity on defense and ability to shoot the three from beyond the arc limited the movements of their guards.

    Gard himself said he needs his entire starting unit to compete or major alteration on their system will be made.

    Another Wisconsin Badgers starting 5 members set to return

    Max Klesmit is another starting unit member sorely missed in the game against the Lions. He also missed the last two games before that.


    Jack Janicki and Kamari McGee tried to hold down the forth but their efforts were not enough.


    He had a significant recovery period and it worked as Klesmit himself said he will be ready for the Big Ten tournament.

    Wisconsin guard Max Klesmit (11) talks with head coach Greg Gard during the second half of their game Thursday, March 2, 2023 at the Kohl Center in Madison, Wis. Purdue beat Wisconsin 63-61. Uwmen02 18

    “Feeling good. Gonna play,” he said on Monday.

    Badgers will face the Northwestern Wildcats on Thursday. These two teams last met on February 1 with the Badgers coming out on top of a close match, 75-69.

    For more great Wisconsin sports content

    Follow us @WiSportsHeroics  for the latest and trending news about Packers, Brewers, Bucks, Marquette, and the rest of Wisconsin Sports. Stay updated by reading more of our Wisconsin Sports articles by clicking here and college basketball by clicking here!Mayfield Sports Marketing

    Call Mayfield Sports Marketing at 262-366-8188 to schedule Green Bay Packers players or alumni for your corporate appearance or product promotion.  Our booking agents will work on your behalf to get you the best price for your desired sports speaker. Mayfield Sports Marketing has earned a reputation of being the one to call for booking top athletes to speak at events and trade shows. To learn more about Packers players or alumni appearance cost and booking fee, please call us today. the latest Wisconsin sports news, analysis, and breaking stories on the Packers, Bucks, Brewers, Badgers and more! Tap the star to add us to your favorites on Google News, so you never miss a story on your favorite Wisconsin teams.
  • Mavs’ 1st Ever Female Scout Puts Name As Next Wisconsin Badgers Women’s Basketball Coach – ‘My Pride & Passion For My Alma Mater Runs Deep’

    Mavs’ 1st Ever Female Scout Puts Name As Next Wisconsin Badgers Women’s Basketball Coach – ‘My Pride & Passion For My Alma Mater Runs Deep’

    The Wisconsin Badgers women’s basketball are currently without a head coach after the resignation of Marisa Moseley who has been with the team since 2021. Her resignation comes at the heels of a failed season and controversy on how she managed the players.

    Nov 11, 2022; Milwaukee, WI, USA; Wisconsin Badgers head coach Marisa Moseley speaks with guard Avery LaBarbera (12) during the first half of their game against the Kanasa State Wildcats at American Family Field. Mandatory Credit: Mark Hoffman/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel-USA TODAY NETWORK


    It might not be vacated for long as the school is already searching for a replacement while some experienced coaches put forward their names for the job.

    University of Wisconsin-Madison might want to take a look at their very own Tamara Moore who took to X to express her desire to inherit the job left by Moseley who is regarded as a trailblazer in the field.

    She wrote:


    I would like to apply for the head coaching position at Wisconsin. My pride & passion for my Alma mater runs deep. I ❤️ this team & I truly believe I can bring something new to the sideline. My journey is not typically but my knowledge of the program & the past success is strong.Screenshot 2025 03 13 at 09.43.46

    Her post was positively received by many Badgers fans with some saying she is a perfect for the job.

    Moore’s life after Wisconsin Badgers

    Moore played for the Badgers from 1998 to 2002, winning the Big Ten Defensive Player of the Year in 2001. She was inducted to the Wisconsin Athletic Hall of Fame in 2017.

    She then carved a respectable professional career in the WNBA, having played for Minnesota Lynx, New York Liberty, and Los Angeles Sparks.


    Wisconsin Badgers alum Tamara Moore

    Moore became a coach after playing pro, with his start coming through a high school women’s basketball team from Minneapolis. She proceeded to become the second female coach of the Kingsborough Community College.

    Her first major gig was as the men’s basketball and softball coach at Mesabi Range College.

    Her résumé got even more stacked after that as she found her way in the National Basketball Association when she was hired as an assistant coach for the Boston Celtics 2022 Summer League.

    Her latest achievement is becoming the first ever female scout of 2024 NBA finalist Dallas Mavericks.


    For more great Wisconsin sports content

    Follow us @WiSportsHeroics  for the latest and trending news about Packers, Brewers, Bucks, Marquette, and the rest of Wisconsin Sports. Stay updated by reading more of our Wisconsin Sports articles by clicking here and college basketball by clicking here!


    Mayfield Sports Marketing

    Call Mayfield Sports Marketing at 262-366-8188 to schedule Green Bay Packers players or alumni for your corporate appearance or product promotion.  Our booking agents will work on your behalf to get you the best price for your desired sports speaker. Mayfield Sports Marketing has earned a reputation of being the one to call for booking top athletes to speak at events and trade shows. To learn more about Packers players or alumni appearance cost and booking fee, please call us today. the latest Wisconsin sports news, analysis, and breaking stories on the Packers, Bucks, Brewers, Badgers and more! Tap the star to add us to your favorites on Google News, so you never miss a story on your favorite Wisconsin teams.